Background & Mission
In August of 2018, Luke Williams was told that he had three months to live, but his doctor tried a treatment outside of the box, and it worked! Having received a gift from God, he wanted to give something back.
Luke often shared with his wife the question of how many children are going to bed hungry in Shelbyville each night. This question and concern led him to the Shelby County Youth Assistance Program and its Director, Melissa O’Connor, who informed Luke about child hunger in Shelby County. Luke started Dinner Before Bedtime to provide meals for 25 children that are going to bed hungry at night here in our small town of Shelbyville, IN.
After approval by the parents, Melissa O’Connor with the Shelby County Youth Assistance Program provides Dinner Before Bedtime with anonymous recommendations of prospective children who need hot meals before bedtime. The identities are known only to Melissa.
Dinner Before Bedtime partners with Cracker Barrel and Cagney’s to provide hot meals, milk and desserts 365 evenings a year to the hungry children.
Melissa then verifies the quality of the meals and the delivery process with each family.
Our first meals were delivered to two children on October 1, 2020 and as of December 31, 2024, a total of 20,547 meals have been purchased and had delivery coordinated by Dinner Before Bedtime.
Donate or Volunteer
If you find it your heart to make a tax deductible donation to our qualified 501(c)(3) organization, you can send any amount to:
Dinner Before Bedtime, Inc.
157 East Rampart Street
Shelbyville, IN 46176
Dinner Before Bedtime works with church congregations to assist in our delivery process, but if you are interested in volunteering for delivery, please reach out to our delivery coordinator, Tammy Jones at (317) 364-2643. All volunteers must pass a background and driver’s license check and maintain their own insurance.
Our Cases
Jane is in elementary school and lives with her parents in Shelbyville. Jane is developmentally delayed and both her parents are disabled. Her parents are on a limited income and receive support from extended family as well as community providers to assist with addressing needs in the home environment. Jane receives support through the school and the family is engaged in home based services. Jane is on the free lunch plan at school. Currently without access and the ability to shop for groceries and plan or prepare meals, Jane’s parents are unable to adequately provide for Jane’s evening meal.
John lives in Shelbyville with this grandmother who has raised him since he was an infant. His parents have been in and out of the criminal justice system and have not always been involved in John’s life. John’s grandmother attempts to provide for his needs through community resources and support. John is on the free lunch program at school where he receives breakfast and lunch. John’s grandmother is on a fixed income and experiences physical challenges that can limit her care for John. As a result, these issues have led to food insecurity for John.